Thursday, 22 October 2009

Hello Interwebs!

Hey :)

Rowena Aitken - Illustrator here.

This blog is going to be jam packed full of my daily sketches. This is so I will definately sketch every day AND so that you can see the inner workings of my mind, you lucky lucky people!

The sketchblog will start next week (Monday 26th October 2009) which should give me enough time to make the blog page look nice and get my geriatric scanner working with Vista.

That means real sketches people, I can draw in real life and not just with a Wacom :) There may be some photoshoppery but definately trying to push the ol' sketchbook back into my thoughts.

Well, that was a nice little intro; better get to jazzing this thing up and I will see you all on Monday!

For more fun I am available at the following locations :D


Hope to see you around :F



  1. And it's wonderful to have ya here Row! :)
    btw, you can make those links work by using the 'Edit HTML' tab.

    Type what ya want in your new post, if you have links then go into that edit html tab, select the link/s and click on the link icon in the menu bar.. insert the url, and hey presto, teh linky worketh :)

  2. And it's wonderful to have ya here Row! :)
    btw, you can make those links work by using the 'Edit HTML' tab.

    Type what ya want in your new post, if you have links then go into that edit html tab, select the link/s and click on the link icon in the menu bar.. insert the url, and hey presto, teh linky worketh :)

  3. Yay sketchblogs! I'm super-excited! =)

  4. Oh I see my post did work, but screwed up my end.. grrr.. double post of lurve :)
